Training Videos
The video found here are movies of customer dogs that we have trained so far. We can’t afford to put in all the video of all the dogs that we have trained. Also some customers don’t want their dogs apprearing on my website as well as some of these dogs are speacially trained for personal protection. So I have picked up some fun and exciting video to show the results of our training. Customers who pay for the Handling Guide package will receive the video in a DVD together with a Handling Guide booklet.
You will notice that I have put in video of dogs of all breed and size to be here to exhibit our skills and talent in bringing out the best of of all these dogs. So I leave it to the owner to decide if they want to send their dogs to me for training. As you can see, these results can never be achieved by anyone in a period of one month except like what I do. It is all with time, effort and techniques that are invest into each dog. I will constantly update this section as I complete training of new dogs.