Preparation for training

Posted by admin | Posted in Preparation for training | Posted on 12-01-2010


Preparing a dog for training is not only for the dog but also the owner. Both have to be mentally prepared for the training. This will prevent the training shock syndrome. But believe me most dogs come unprepared. It takes us sometimes even upto a week to stabilize the dog before it becomes receptive for training. Same goes to the owners who constanly call me asking how is their dogs are  doing. All these stress can be avoided. If you plan to send your for training sometime in the future get in touch with us and enroll for the Free Puppy Care Program. This gives you and your dog to make a lot of preparation for the oncoming training and to maximise from it. Also read my article on Let’s Walk The Talk. You will realize that walking with your dog helps to build a better relationship. It’s good to get advice from us as to how you can do the right thing the first time for your dog. Don’t wait until the last minute. After all you are the center of the universe for your dog. So take some iniative for his sake.